Course registration

Please note that registration is binding, and that there is a course fee for these courses. See each course description for price and other details. Remember to read our cancellation policy.

Registration form

Fields marked with * are required.

Participant details
Invoice address
Participants from the University of Copenhagen must complete the following
Participants from outside Denmark must complete the following:
Gennemse Participants from outside Denmark must upload a document with the relevant information about the organisation or institute paying the course fee, hereunder VAT-number, company registration number or similar.
Documentation for the course in Function B
Gennemse Applicants for the course in Function B must upload documentation of completion of previous course in Functions AD or similar.
Documentation for the course in Danish legislation
Gennemse Applicants for this course must upload documentation that confirms provisional dispensation or other communication with the Animal Experiments Inspectorate.
Documentation for applicants to LabVet Europe
Gennemse Applicants for LabVet Europe should upload their CV here.
I have read and understood the conditions when registering for this course. You can read the terms at the top of the page *