Concern regarding animal care or animal welfare in experiments

Contact the following persons at AEM:
  • Head of Department, Professor Peter Bollen,, +45 35 32 53 33
If you wish to contact a person not employed by AEM, please contact:
  • Professor Lisbeth E. Knudsen, Department of Public Health,, +45 3532 7650 or +45 2147 8152
Anonymous complaints:

Leave your message in the mailbox which is placed outside the Department's secretariat by room 16.1.17 at The Panum Building

You can also report your concern electronically by filling out the form below which will be forwarded to all members of the ’Dyrevelfærdsorgan (DVO, Animal Welfare Body, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee)’.

Pease be advised that you will not receive an e-mail confirmation, as this function is intentionally designed to maintain your anonymity. For your record-keeping purposes, you may want to retain a copy of your entered message.

Fields marked with * are required.