The Department offers a number of courses in Laboratory Animal Science and Experimentation for Master students, PhD students, postdocs and other academics as well as for and technical staff.
Below you will find a list of our courses, please click on the links for full course descriptions.
Basic courses
Laboratory Animal Science - EU Function ABD
Laboratory Animal Science - EU function B
Forsøgsdyrskundskab - EU Funktion AD
National Laboratory Animal Legislation in Denmark
Handling and Experimenting on Laboratory Pigs
Fish as experimental animals
Experimental surgery I - Basic principles and procedures
Courses for continuing professional development (CPD)
Anaesthesia and Analgesia in Animal Experimentation
Animal Behaviour
Experimental Design and Planning of In Vivo Experiments
Experimental surgery II - Advanced techniques and microsurgery
LabVet Europe - Education for designated lab animal veterinarians
Microsurgery for surgeons
Mouse Model Pathobiology and Phenotyping
Workshop on practical procedures
You can read about registration for the courses in each individual course description. Please be aware that registration is binding and that course fees may apply to our courses.
Our courses in Laboratory Animal Science Function ABD and Function AD are quality accredited by FELASA (Federation of European Laboratory Animal Associations).
Our Function ABD and AD courses, as well as the LabVet Europe education, are organised in close collaboration with colleagues at the Section of Experimental Animal Models at the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (IVH) at Frederiksberg Campus.
AEM also carries out courses in surgical technique in collaboration with the National Board of Health for doctors in specialist training in surgery. AEM also runs numerous courses in collaboration with the hospitals in the Capital Region of Denmark and the industry.