At this page, you can find details on the price setting of services provided by AEM. In the box to the right, you can download our current price list.
If you need help, the Department of Experimental Medicine is always happy to assist on finding a specific price for your needs and requirements.
Please contact if you have any questions regarding AEM's price list.
Please click on a service to read more about the price setting.
All animals housed at the Department are charged at a fixed weekly rate. Included in this accommodation of price is general care (cleaning of cages, feeding and watering), and in some cases certain additional services.
Breeding cages in SPF units (mice)
The following basic technical support is included in the service charge:
- Setup of breeding pairs, weaning of young animals, sorting of animals
- Tail clipping, blood samples, earmarking related to breeding programmes
- Transfer of animals from SPF to AEM's experimental units
- Report for the researcher according to AEM's standard template (if an individually adjusted breeding report is requested, this will be charged according to the price list for standard services)
Other technical services provided in SPF units are invoiced as standard services or technical hours according to the price list.
Breeding cages outside SPF
Technical breeding work is not included in the accommodation price but is charged according to the price list for standard services or as technical hours.
Cages at experimental units
The housing price is the same for all identical cages at AEM's experimental units except unit 16-2.
- Please notice that a distinction is made between experimental cages and breeding cages.
- Cages with equipment are charged at individually negotiated prices
Accommodation at unit 16-2
The price for accommodation at 16-2 is higher than at the other experimental units because this unit's health status requires special, time-consuming procedures by the staff when handling animals. Please notice that GMO animals, etc. will be charged an additional fee.
Large animals
Housing of large animals takes place at Panum and at Frederiksberg. The pricing of large animals can be found in the price list under 'Housing and accommodation'.
Standard technical services can be found in the price list. Services will be settled as price per animal or per cage. Read more about what kind of technical assistance, we offer.
Special services
Special services includes services which does not appear on the list of standard services. The pricing are settled as technical hours in accordance to the price list.
Technical work outside opening hours
Technical work performed during weekends, on public holidays, as well as outside the department's normal opening hours (08:00-15:00), will be invoiced according to current surcharges.
Technical assistance - Surcharges for inconvenience
Please note that there is also surcharges for inconvenience (for example GMO2). The surcharges for time and inconvenience can be found in the price list.
Please notice that all prices include use of operating table until 14:00. If an operation is not finished by 14:00 every subsequent commenced quarter will be invoice according to AEM's current rates for technical hours. Operations after 14:00 can only be done in accordance with the staff in the respective unit. Use of materials and medicine in addition to the standard of the individual price packages will be invoiced separately
Types of services
Service | Description | Comments |
Basic anaesthesia | Includes assistance for preparation, monitoring, anaesthesia and operation | Assistance during operation is not included |
Non sterile operation | Includes assistance for preparation, monitoring, anaesthesia and operation | |
Sterile operation | Includes assistance for preparation, monitoring, anaesthesia and sterile operation | Sterile equipment is included |
Course in anaesthesia | Includes assistance for preparation, monitoring, anaesthesia and disposable materials for course participants | Disposable materials for course participants are included |
Operation incl. scanning | Includes assistance for preparation, monitoring, anaesthesia, operation and scanning at Rigshospitalet | Sterile equipment is included |
Payment of various consumables/services
Free consumables in AEM's procedure room | A number of consumables are available without charge in AEM's procedure rooms. |
Anaesthesia and pain medication included in the price of the procedure | Anaesthetics and pain treatment medication are included in the price of the related technical procedures. However, anaesthetics for sedation of pigs are invoiced based on consumption. |
Price for euthanizing of animals | Euthanizing of animals is done according to AEM's standard procedures and is included in the accommodation price. If animals need to be euthanized at specific times or in special ways, the service is invoiced separately. |
Price for import and export of animals | Expenses related to import to, and export of animals from, AEM are invoiced as vendor prices plus an administration fee of 10%. The expenses include price of animals, transport costs, trace certificate costs, transport cage, etc. |
Delivery of medicine | The Department strongly emphasizes the rules for when medicine can be delivered. Medicine can be delivered only to researchers who have research activities at AEM. The researcher must provide a requisition with the assigned project number to AEM's operation units. |
Price for disinfection of rooms and equipment | AEM offers disinfection of rooms and equipment with H2O2. The price for disinfection of small equipment, rooms and large equipment is available upon request. |
Price for special food and special feeding | Special food can be ordered at the Department and will be invoiced according to the vendor's price plus a 10% administration fee. The price for special feeding is included in the list of standard services. |
Overview of free articles to use in the procedure rooms:
- Gloves
Latex, size: S, M, L
Nitrile, size: S, M, L - Syringes
1ml, 2ml, 5ml, 10ml - Needles
18G, 23G, 25G. 27G - Eppendorf tubes
- Flamingo trays
- Needle buckets
- Containers, bags and warning labels for chemical waste or other clinical risk waste
- Soap
- Dishwashing liquid
- Washing-up brush
- Paper rolls
- Ethanol
- Oxygen
- Alcohol
When ordering animals from one of the approved vendors, please fill out a requisition for the respective animal unit. You can find an overview of approved vendors and a more detailed description of the procedure for ordering animals at our page 'Ordering of animals'.
If you order animals from other vendors than the approved ones, please fill out our import/export request.
Download material
Current price list (English)
How to read the invoice (Danish)