There are several licenses from different Danish authorities that may be relevant and necessary for your work. The table below provides you with an overview of the different type of licenses.

Got questions on how to proceed? Please contact

For the animal experiments license and the GMO breeding license, you need to fill in the "B scheme" with information about responsible persons and the facility. Please see our Guide for filling out the B scheme.

In addition to a license for animal experiments, AEM requires you to fill out a project plan for individual experiments and breeding. The project plan is an internal work document which must be approved by a veterinarian at AEM before you can begin an experiment.  Please go to "Get started" to find the templates for the various types of project plans.

Type of work     

License needed from the Danish Animal Experiments Inspectorate (Dyreforsøgstilsynet)

License needed from the Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet)


License for animal experiments
(example 2021-15-0201-00901) 

Experiments with GMO animals or GMO micro-organisms License for animal experiments 
(example 2021-15-0201-00901) 

License for gene technological research.
(example 2024 – 18294 or 20200071716/4)

Find the Lab ID no. to apply for your license

Experiments with biological agents risk group >1 License for animal experiments 
(example 2021-15-0201-00901) 
Registration of work with biological agent
Breeding of non-GMO animals License for breeding. AEM has a general license, so you do not have to apply for one. None
Breeding of GMO animals GMO breeding license. Researchers must have their own GMO breeding license and if necessary an additional license for animal experiments in cases where the animals develop a harmful phenotype
(example 2023-15-0202-00218)
License for gene technological research project. Find the Lab ID no. for your license