How to get started

Roles and responsibilities in the use of animals in research

Instruction to researchers about the use of animals in research (PDF)

Whether you are a new or experienced user of our services, there are different things you need to do in order to get started.



Project plans

Download and fill out one of the project plans depending on the type of experiment you will be doing.

Templates for the project plans can be found in the list of our forms and requisitions. There are 3 different types of project plans (experiments with rodents, experiments with other animals, and breeding).

Please notice that the project plan is only valid for 2 years.

Experiments involving surgery

The policy for survival surgery was officially implemented on 1 July 2024.

  1. Please read the Policy for survival surgery
  2. Please consult the flowchart
  3. Please fill out a self-evaluation form (Word) for each person performing survival surgery and send these evaluation forms along with the project plan for approval